Part-time Research Scholar,
PG & Research Department of History,
The Standard Fire works Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakasi.
Education is a process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of human being. It can also be defined as the process of imparting or acquiring knowledge and habits through instruction and study. Education of the child starts as soon as he enters the school where he is given a limited and definite amount of knowledge. Education in Ancient India began in the third century BC with elements of religious training and impart of traditional knowledge. When days passed on the method of education had its change. Technology plays an important role in education in recent days. Educational technology is a more comprehensive and broad based concept. Now a day’s technology become a major part of education. India has a rich tradition of learning and education right from the antiquity. These were handed over generations to generations either through oral or written medium.Education in India in ancient times was generally religious and based largely on Sanskrit and Tamil learning in its scope and orientation. Education in those days was not exclusively literary for, the study of subjects like fine arts, technical and other useful arts also received equal attention and patronage and enjoyed a status equal to that of literary studies.
Education in Ancient India began in the third century BC with elements of religious training and impart of traditional knowledge. In the ancient days, sages and scholars imparted education orally and after the development of letters the form of writing was introduced. Palm leaves and barks of trees were used for writing and thus helped the spread the written literature. Ancient Indian Education was primarily the Education of the Vedas and was dominated by religions. It was cover by the Vedic, post-Vedic, Buddhist, Jain system of education extent over a very long period. Beyond doubt education started first in India. The tradition of earning knowledge was in existence even in the Vedic age. The Vedic Rishis spread the Knowledge not only in India but in the whole world. They brought the humanity from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge throughout the World.
Aims of Ancient Education:
The aim of education in South India as in North India was not only intellectual, moral, religious and spiritual, but also to equip people for different persuasions and service to society. The aim of ancient education was initially laid down by the Vedas. The primary aim of ancient Education was instilling into the minds of pupils a spirit of being pious and religious for glory of God and good of man. According to the Vedas the aim of education is liberation.
The muhammadan first appeared in india in the eight century A.D. It was Muhammad Ghori who really laid the foundation of the muhammandan domination of India.but the real strom of muhammadan aggression burst on India under mahmud of ghazni, who is said to have made on less than seveenten raids in to the India from 1000 to 1026 A.D. he was stern opponent of idolatry, and with fieirce iconoclastic zeal he broke down tempels and smashed idols and carried off many captives and much wealth to this own capital. To the inhabiatns of india mahmud must have appeared as anything but a promoter of education and learning, for during his raids the brahamans, who lived and thought there, where often killed or put fight.
In his own king dom of Ghazni, Mahmud, however, was great patron of education of muhammadan lines. He gave large sums of money for the support of learned men and poets, and at his capital he established a seats of learning which was restored to buy literarily men from far and near.
The maktab is a primary school attached to a mosque, the chief business of which is to instruct boys in those portions of the Koran which a muhammandan is expected to know by heart in order to perform his devotions and other religious function. Sometimes instruction in reading, writing, and simple arithmetic is also included in the curriculum.
The madrasah is a school or college of higher learning. There is mention of a madrasah, or college, built by Altamsh .The successor of Kutub-ud-din; and his daughter Raziya, who ruled after her father’s death, was a woman of some education, and was a orating if learning. A college at Delhi was started during her reign. Akbar, who in his later years was very tolerant in religious matters, made arrangements for Hindu youths to be educated at the madrasahs as well as Muhammadans.
Colonial Education:
The British administration in the Tamil Country witnessed significant changes in the cultural life of the people. The Tamils never ignored learning, for they had their traditional system of education, founded by the Jains and Buddhists. One should not, however, suppose that in India there had been no educational system before the coming of the British. As a matter of fact, when the British came to India and were gradually establishing themselves in India, they met such a system. For Education is no exotic in India. There is no country where the love of learning had so early an origin or has exercised so lasting and powerful an influence”. The trend of ancient education influences the trend of religious thought. The foremost among the Company officials who attacked these abuses was Charles Grant. Grant had come to India in 1767. As a remedy to all these evils, Grant suggested a “healing principle”, namely, the supersession of the existing religions by Christianity, through the dissemination of the science and literature of Europe, “A key which would at once open a world of new ideas” to them. Grant stated that the ling intercourse between the Indians and the Europeans in India rendered it feasible to use the English language as the medium of instruction. Moreover, he said, knowledge of the English language would immediately place the whole range of European knowledge within their reach, while translation of English books into the Indian languages would take a long time and would be less efficacious. Grant also urged the substitution of English for Persian as the official language because that would induce the Indians to learn it. He urged the establishment of English schools under teachers “of good moral character” hoping that very soon the public taught in these schools would themselves become the teachers of English to their countrymen. In conclusion, he triumphantly asserted “the true cure of darkness is light. The Hindus err because they are ignorant and their errors have never been fairly laid before them”.
Modern Education:
The computer is an electronic machine working on the principles of prolonged learning that aim at individualised instruction to meet the special needs of individual leaners. The computer is as flexible as powerful devise which can cater to these needs by storing, processing and retriving information. Computer is now regarded as a super teaching machine. Its use in education has been tried as an innovation and it has proved its teaching efficiency in many developed countries.
Development in teaching and learning materials reflect wider societal and technological advances. The latter half of the twentieth century has witnessed a massive expansion in technological advancements that began cautiously with radio and television and which, via language laboratories and calculators, have now developed into the World Wide Web and the information superhighway. These technological wonders have been adopted by teachers in classrooms and lecture halls with the aim of enhancing the learning aids have assumed greater significance in recent years as one of the major developments that have dominated higher education teaching in the 1990s. We explore the perceptions of computer – assisted learning materials from two perspectives: the students who attend the courses; and the tutors who design and teach the courses.
The teaching and learning materials evaluated from parts of a suite of computer – aided learning materials known as Geotechnical. These have been developed as materials to support the teaching of geotechnical subjects within the syllabus of undergraduate degrees.
The students were given the opportunity to use the software. The learning objective set was to obtain the knowledge required to resist the test. This gave a focus to their use of the software. The students were allowed to spend as long as they wanted using the software; however, to avoid demonization, the test was designed, so that it was feasible to obtain the necessary information in a session lasting approximately one hour. In fact, students choose to spend between 60 and 90 minutes with the software.
The advancement in science and technology and their application have yield rich dividends in almost all matters related to the organization and management of the processes and products of Education. This applied aspect of technology in the field of education, well known as education technology, has a tremendous capacity to provide the best possible output in the process of education for both the teacher and leaners. Educational technology, in terms of terminology and structural composition, may carry out two basic components, namely education and technology. The forms of educational technology, in general can be listed as follows:
- Teaching technology
- Instructional technology
- Behavioral technology
- Instrumental design technology
Education technology can be approach in two forms . One is Hardware approach has its origin in physical science and engineering and is based on the concept of service. And the other is software approach it has its origin to the behavioral science and their applied aspect concerning the psychology of leaning. Technologies by their nature and
characteristics, stand for smoothening the execution process of a task leading to achieve the best possible results or outcomes from the execution of a task. The same is true for
Computer – assisted instruction, as the name suggests, stands for the type of instruction aided or carried out with the help of a computer as a machine. The computer is said to be ahead of the teaching machine on account of its capacity of doing more work and multiple types of works at the same time for an unlimited number of individual leaner’s than the teaching mechanism. In CAI there is an interaction between an individual student and the computer just as happens in the tutorial system between the teacher and an individual student.
Today, we are living in a knowledge – based society, and knowledge – based global world where knowledge is a great power, economy and strength of an individual, and the asset of a nation. It is also true that these are in tremendous explosion in its quality as well as growth. We are in need of new technologies to have access and proper use of this fast growing knowledge. Moreover, a mere acquisition of knowledge is not enough; we have a complete access and mastery over the knowledge getting process. It can only happen with the assistance of the science of information and communication technology. ITCs are in vogue from olden days. So, these can be classified as traditional and modern.
- Traditional ITCs :
The traditional ITCs may include the following means and media:
- Print media in the form of textbooks, resource books journals, news items
- Verbal information and ideas exchange
- Graphical material such as pictures, charts, maps diagrams, posters and cartoons
- Three dimensional aid material such as specimen, model, puppetry and mockup Audio-visual hardware equipment like radio, television, slide projectors etc
- Modern ITCs :
The modern ITCs are not single tecnologies. They are a combination of hardware and software, media delivery systems. In addition, they have gone digital. Some of these may be named as below:
- Digital video camera
- Multimedia personal computer, laptop and notebook
- Application software such as word processing spreed sheet
- Multimedia projector to communicate to large group
- Local Area Network(LAN), Metropolitan Network(MAN), Wide area
- Multimedia PC/laptop with video cam web cam
- Digital library
- E-mail, internet and World Wide W e b (WWW)
- Hypermedia and Hyper text resource
- Idea of virtual classroom and virtual reality
ITCs can play the same role in our information and communication processes and their outcomes as played by other technologies in making our lives quite comfortable and purposeful. As a result, they have become quite popular in all walks of our life.
- Suresh Chandra Ghosh, The History of Education in Modern India 1757-1998 , Orient Longman,Hyderabad,1995.
- Padma Ramacandran, Vasanthkumar, Education in India national book trust, India, 2005.