A Study on Role of digital technology in education



The Standard Fireworks Rajarathnam College for Women’s, sivakasi


I B.A (Eco) (R)

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi


            The development and advancement of technology has paved the way for new areas of knowledge and research to find better solutions to the problems of today’s world. These systems are currently used in many industries and have become an integral part of business and management. Information and communication technologies and digital technology; It has entered many areas such as the business world, hospitals, government institutions, tourism offices, lifestyle living, learning and research. Education is one of the many sectors affected by ICT. The power of ICT and digital technology has now begun to impact the education system, bringing with it new and expanded models of teaching, management, administration, student delivery and full support. This study portrays an interesting situation to understand how innovation, innovation and research will affect the future of education, especially in developed countries.


            Digital technology has been more pervasive in our lives, but it has also become more so for students in our educational system. Students are using more and more technology, including computers, tablets, and cellphones, as seen by this. There have been significant developments in the classroom, including the usage of computer laboratories, online curricula, and smartboards, in addition to the technology that students use. While there are drawbacks to some technologies, such as plagiarism and cyberbullying, the benefits of educational technology far outweigh these drawbacks. Digital technology is utilized in education for a variety of purposes, such as developing curricula for teachers, boosting student productivity, and even bridging the gap between home and school life. Moreover, the impact of digital technology on education has encouraged additional integration, which has an impact on

The field of education has seen numerous revolutions thanks to digital technologies. It has improved accessibility, engagement, and personalization of learning.

Importance of digital technology in education:

            Boost student participation and assist instructors in creating better lesson plans  Encourage individualized education Develop the necessary 21st-century abilities. Democratize the content taught in schools Assist with teaching differentiation, especially for kids who have unique needs. Create a personalized and interesting learning environment. Make greater use of data in real-time by employing analytical software, IoT devices, and interactive platforms to assess students’ progress. In order to maximize the potential of technology for learning acceleration, learning poverty reduction, and skill development support, it is imperative to bridge the gaps in digital, human, and logistical/administrative systems that support the deployment and upkeep of tech architecture.


            The use of digital technologies has already become necessary due to the globalization of education. There were online tools available for administering the daily operations of educational institutions as well as for conducting classes, exchanging resources, and doing assessments. On the other hand, proactive use of these platforms was made. In order to maintain the educational system, the COVID-19 Pandemic has compelled the institutions must switch to an online teaching model. Developed nations were prepared to handle this issue. Developing nations, however, put a lot of effort into meeting this criteria. In this dire situation, digital technologies are emerging as education’s savior. This global crisis emphasizes how important it is for the educational system to be internationally linked. Digital technology help kids develop skills like problem-solving, thinking structure construction, and other abilities that will demand them to operate professionally. They are also getting ready for a future that will be more uncertain and dynamic and in which technology will be indispensable. The skills and traits that students gain will be critical to their success in the workplace. Digital tools and educational resources contribute to enhancing the classroom environment and enhancing the teaching-learning process. Additionally, they allow educational institutions to be more flexible and customize their curricula to meet the needs of individual students.

            Children will be more motivated to learn if technology is used in the classroom. Since today’s youth are well versed in the use of electronic devices, integrating them into school education will not require assistance in arousing their interest and increasing cooperation. Integrating technology into learning provides students with a learning experience that allows them to enjoy the learning process without distraction. Using projectors, computers, and other technology tools in the classroom can make learning fun and exciting for students. Student learning can be stimulated and engaged by creating classroom activities that include technology resources, oral presentations, and group participation. Collaboration can go beyond communication.

usage of digital tools:

            The 21st century has seen a rapid expansion in the digitization of learning resources due to technological advancements. Students are utilizing digital learning tools at a faster rate than ever before, as traditional learning resources like paperback textbooks are becoming digitalized. Because of the potential consequences of using digital information excessively, it is imperative that students maintain a balance between traditional and digital resources in the face of this inflow. Students will gain considerably from instructional e-resources if they use digital resources to improve learning and retrieve knowledge instead of using them out of dependence.

distinguishes e-learning from digital learning:

            The phrase “e-learning,” which describes studying done online, may be familiar to you. Since e-learning is now seen as a significant component of digital learning, which has broadened to cover other topics, the names are remarkably similar.

The phrase “digital learning” has replaced “online learning” to describe using electronics and the internet for academic purposes. Students who use digital learning often have the option of working at their own pace, selecting the location of their education (for example, distance learners), and selecting the specific modules of a course or training program that they want to participate in.

Problems of digital technology in education:

            As education evolves into learning technology, it is important to recognize and solve problems. Education has great potential but also brings many challenges. Educators, policymakers, and communities must work together to overcome challenges such as the digital divide, literacy, equity, and security. By solving these problems, we can improve education.

This article will discuss the main challenges in technology learning and how they can be overcome to ensure no student is left behind. Let’s overcome these obstacles and build successful, powerful digital education. According to educational technology, several challenges need to be addressed during this transition:  Access and Infrastructure

Closing the digital divide and ensuring all students have equal access to technology and internet connectivity remains a challenge. Inequalities and barriers to access hinder the use of educational technology.

Technology Proficiency

            Acquiring the necessary technology skills can be challenging for students and teachers. Training and support are essential for teachers and students to effectively implement and use educational technology tools.

Digital Literacy Gap

            Not all students have the digital literacy skills needed to participate in technology education. Closing this gap is critical to ensuring that all students benefit from technologybased learning.

Privacy and Security Issue

            With the use of technology, education becomes responsible for protecting student privacy and ensuring online security. Addressing privacy concerns and preventing online threats is critical to maintaining the integrity and security of online learning platforms. Changes in Instruction

            Integrating technology into practice requires changes in instruction. Teachers need support to transform their teaching, promote effective learning, and create an online experience. Cost of Acquiring Technology

            The use of technology in education often imposes a financial burden. Acquiring the necessary equipment, software and infrastructure can be costly, especially for schools and institutions with limited resources. Finding a sustainable funding model is critical to creating equity for education technologies. How are digital teaching resources made?

Teachers can enhance learning by using the plethora of digital education tools available on the internet. Teachers don’t have to start from scratch because there are a plethora of resources available online for every subject. However, there are actions that may be taken to guarantee that the resources are appropriate for the program. 

Determine which online resources is finding digital materials that instructors may include into their lesson plans is the first step. If there are any payments associated with using the resources, that information should be mentioned. They must also check licenses to see if they are permitted to alter materials if they intend to make adjustments. 

Sync up digital materials

            Verifying that the resources are acceptable for the grade level and reading levels of the students is the next step. Next, ascertain whether they fulfill the unit’s and the lesson’s objectives. After that, teachers should make sure the material complies with standards and take special needs pupils’ requirements into account. Additionally, they might want to coordinate resources based on the many learning styles that exist.

Work together on digital resources, Teachers do not need to search the internet alone for resources. The procedures of identifying, screening, and aligning are more effectively completed when a team works together. School administrators ought to think about setting aside time for groups to get together and organize digital resource curation. Teams can reuse collections they already have and add to them year after year.

Arrange the online materials.

            When resources are prepared, they should be arranged by a team, instructor, or instructional leader. Subject, grade level, unit, lesson, project, assessment, review, extended learning, or reading level should all be taken into consideration while organizing resources.

School districts can even incorporate private libraries using Hāpara Workspace, which simplifies the organizational procedure for teachers. Additionally, Workspace offers thousands of global digital learning resources.


            As seen by the past several years, technology has emerged as one of the tools that millions of people use on a regular basis. The digital world has spread to many facets of daily life, from the workplace to the classroom. Education at all grade levels is one of these areas. Due to the gadgets’ ability to either enhance or diminish learning quality, there is a problem where the quality of education these children receive when using digital learning tools has been seriously questioned. The realization that knowledge is now delivered to pupils digitally rather than through traditional paper-based materials has led to the conclusion that what students utilize as resources does not always important.


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