Ict-Tools For Effective Tamil Language Teaching & Development

Dr. Bamini A.

Department of Computer Applications

The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakasi


Education has become one of the toughest professions in the current digital era, where modern expertise demand teachers to learn how to use them and develop knowledge amongst students. The challenging and technological world should fulfil the demands of 21st century learning, teachers should update the technology and be aware of their students’ needs and necessities. When teachers are computer savvy and know how to incorporate technology into the curriculum, information, and communications technology (ICT) can significantly improve student learning. However, Tamil language teachers should be concerned about using ICT technology in classroom teaching and other psychological factors. Hence, the present study attempts to explore teachers’ use of ICT resource and their knowledge of the usage of technology in classroom teaching. This paper focuses on ICT techniques, its knowledge and teaching methodology of the Tamil language teachers. Yet, the ICT knowledge and its methodology varies according to the workplace and the institution and is a need of the globe.

Keywords: Education, ICT technology, Tamil Language teacher, classroom, and institution.


Teaching is a delightful, divine, and blissful profession where teachers play a significant role to shape the country’s culture, intellectual society, and destiny by teaching in the classroom. Traditionally, teachers were considered the only source of learning. But, in the digital era, learners are more advanced in assessing digital gadgets and gaining information from many digital media and sources. While students are advanced in learning, teachers who handle them must be well in information literacy skills. Moreover, teachers must be up to date in technology development for classroom instructional purposes. Moreover, the fast development of computers and information technology has made everything more convenient and sophisticated. Several research studies reveal that the usage of digital devices has gradually increased in recent years. The covid pandemic had made e-learning and e-teaching in all fields. The online education mode has become prevalent and widespread, and the students can learn anywhere and at any time. Nowadays, technology is integrated with academics. The recent technology infusion changed classroom communication and methods of teaching (Suleiman 2013). According to the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), Information and communication technologies (ICT) integration into education “requires extensive study” (NCF 2005). Presently, Digital technologies are strongly rooted in teaching-learning and recommend the development of techno-skills among the teachers. Even though there is more emphasis on ICT resources, not all teachers generally use them. Moreover, in some sections, the teacher feels difficulty and passive in using technology. Thus, this paper explores the usage of ICT resources and the recent technology of Tamil language teachers in teaching.


Teaching and learning by means of computers are computer education. Computers has evolved into a crucial component of education and the educational settings are reframed according to the needs of the learners. Technology is one of the most important instruments in the educational community for transferring information to students and ruling the entire world (Spelman Khululwa1, 2018). According to UNESCO’s ICT-Competency Standards for Teachers (ICT-CST), “Traditional educational processes no longer offer prospective teachers with all the required abilities to teach pupils to live economically in today’s profession.” The standards of teaching even by Tamil language teachers are focusing on ICT methods to incorporate effective and quality teaching among the learners. However, most educational institutions confront several obstacles to reaching high ICT proficiency; one of the most important requirements for removing these obstacles is to have enough ICT resources and infrastructure, which is almost certainly a costly investment. National Curriculum Framework stated, “Integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) needs serious consideration in the institution and the framework must be uplifted” (NCF 2005). For smooth learning of Tamil language many digital gadgets and apps are created. Even then, the instructor found it challenging to use technology. Therefore, this study is considered significant and needed to identify the ICT knowledge of Tamil language teachers.


Technology’s expanding capabilities are making it possible to allow more meaningful connections and communication across generations, cultures, and distances (Reis et. al, 2021). People have greater opportunities to interact and collaborate with digital systems as their availability and prevalence grows (Musa Adekunle Ayanwale, 2022). These fundamental conditions are said to be composed of several skills. They comprise broad competencies (like general cognitive abilities), digital system usage competencies (like fundamental computing competencies), as well as personal characteristics like attitudes. The ability to utilise digital devices effectively has become essential in various spheres of life, including work and school. 21st century skills are those that are necessary for participation in education, employment, and daily living in contemporary civilizations. These knowledge and abilities are related to digital devices (such as computers, smartphones, and tablets), apps, and settings (OECD, 2018). Alhaji (2013) outlined the progress of digital competences base on ability areas in technology. Ayanwale et al. (2022), focused on information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety, and problem-solving. Muthuprasad et al (2021), focuses the advantageous effect of “turning on” the technology. They emphases the significance of e-learning and its success for a developing country such as India.


Students’ ability to think critically, solve problems creatively can all be aided by computer education. Computer education is crucial for success in the modern digital world. Every work is assisted only by computer education. The modern era of Tamil teaching and learning incorporates the need of computers in the following:

  • Skill Development – Internet essentiality and usage help in personal and professional tasks.
  • Career Opportunities – Computing skills can reveal numerous career paths.
  • Increased Efficiency – Presentations become quicker and more efficient.
  • Connectivity – Connect people worldwide and makes information exchange easier in the globe.
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Empowerment – Computer literacy can empower individuals.
  • Lifelong Learning – The digital platform provides vast resources for continuous learning, keeping individuals updated and competitive irrespective of any degree.
  • Gives instant information on any topic in just a single click.
  • Computers are employed in practically every part of our life in the modern digital world, from work and education to leisure and communication.
  • Preparing for the Future
  • Ensuring Equal Opportunities
  • Enhances creativity & thinking skills.
  • Provides efficient & better use of IT Technology.


India’s higher education system is accomplishing workable development and achieving higher growth rates which could be enabled through conception, transmission, and dissemination of knowledge. The demand for qualified faculty members is becoming critical due to expand the current institutional capacities, not only of infrastructure but also of qualified and trained faculty members. In recent years, though ICT educational tools have been understood and adopted by many institutions, the same is not true for educational planning and implementation. There is a need for well-trained faculty members especially the Tamil teachers who will help to improve programs to produce quality graduates. Thus, to enhance the academic and intellectual environment in the institutions the Tamil faculty members must be given ample opportunities to participate in ICT related seminars / conferences / workshops. Participation in such programmes would enable the faculty members to update their pedagogical skills. With the aim of equipping faculty members with required skills and knowledge, many government agencies and non-governmental organizations are organizing several activities in online and offline modes. To enhance the technical and ICT skills Tamil Virtual Academy focuses:

  1. Academic Programmes in various countries across the globe through online (www.tamilvu.org)
  2. Digital Library with digital resources of periodicals, palm-leaf manuscripts, rare paper manuscripts, photographs, audio-visual materials of Tamil Language, Literature and Culture (www.tamildigitallibrary.in)
  3. Tamil Computing compiling a database and related Tamil software tools.


Teaching learning process comes in the form of Online and Offline mode of instruction. During lockdown these ICT tools proved to be a boon for making the teaching learning process easy and accessible to all students. Currently the ICT teaching is more effectively used to draw attraction amongst the students. The following are the tools used to teach in a quality way.

  • Learning management system (MOODLE) – A platform for E-learning. Share all learning resources, videos, and webpages. It supports a range of media to present or link to learning materials, support the students and assess their learning.
  • Google Classroom – Blended Learning Platform, benefits for both students and teachers. Google Classroom saves automatically and is accessible from any device.
  • Google Forms – MCQ quizzes online.
  • PowerPoint – Presentations
  • Videoconferencing Platforms – Google meet, Zoom and Cisco Webex
  • Educational Videos and animations – Youtube and Internet
  • Smart Classroom – Classroom integrated with Smartboards and internet connections. It provides enhanced and interactive learning and teaching opportunities for students and teachers.
  • e-Resources – Access remotely in online mode and enhance their learning.
  • Tamil Apps – Ling, Cudoo, italki, Tandem …

To make ICT teaching and learning more interactive, various platforms and tools have been created and emerging day by day to make educators interactive and enhance the teaching practices. These ICT tools used in classroom teaching helps teachers to integrate their subject, for effective teaching-learning and assessment.


The need of information, and communications technology (ICT) has been significantly improving student learning. Hence, Tamil language teachers should have ICT knowledge, and can attend computer courses to improve their computer skills. They can use the ICT provisions such as laptops or smart boards, etc. In conclusion, this paper focused the needs and significance of embedded ICT-oriented techniques in the curriculum and the betterment of teaching and learning from anywhere at any time.


  • Muthuprasad, T., Aiswarya, S., Aditya, K. S., & Jha, G. K. (2021). Students’ perception and preference for online education in India
  • Reis, L., Mercer, K., & Boger, J. (2021). Technologies for fostering intergenerational connectivity and relationships: Scoping review and emergent concepts. Technology in Society, 64. doi:10.1016/J.TECHSOC.2020.101494
  • Ayanwale, M. A., Sanusi, I. T., Adelana, O. P., Aruleba, K. D., & Oyelere, S. S. (2022). Teachers’ readiness and intention to teach artificial intelligence in schools. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 100099. doi:10.1016/J.CAEAI.2022.100099
  • OECD(2018). Bridging the digital gender divide. Retrieved from https://www.oecd.org/digital/bridging-the-digital-genderdivide.pdf
  • Alhaji, S., & Usman, A. M. (2013). Technophobia and Use of ICT Tools in Teaching and Learning: Academic Staff of Nigerian Universities in Focus. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3.
  • https://jspmrscopr.edu.in/Details/138
  • https://ling-app.com/ta/best-apps-to-learn-tamil/
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